Similar context phrases
Translation examples
Bounties have even been given upon the exportation of some of them.
Выдавались даже премии на вывоз некоторых из них.
Some of them had got to their feet and were edging nearer.
Некоторые ученики поднимались на ноги и подходили ближе.
They were a decidedly mixed-looking collection, and some of them came in in their furs and caps.
Некоторые входили так, как были на улице, в пальто и в шубах.
Professor Binns mentioned some of them, but—oh it’s all nonsense.
Профессор Бинс упоминал некоторые из них, но… А, да все это ерунда.
Except in one point: they were fond of boats, and some of them could swim.
Разве что в одном: любили плавать на лодках, а некоторые даже и без лодок.
Students exchanged looks at this; some of them were barely concealing grins.
Школьники начали переглядываться, некоторые с трудом подавляли смех.
Some of them were still masked and hooded; others showed their faces.
Некоторые и здесь не снимали масок и капюшонов, лица других были открыты.
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