Traduzione per "were as was" a russo
Were as was
Esempi di traduzione.
Thousands were killed, women were raped, villages were burned, homes were destroyed and belongings were looted.
Тысячи суданцев были убиты, женщины -- изнасилованы, деревни -- сожжены, дома -- разрушены, а имущество -- разграблено.
Of these, the majority were Congolese, 14 were Rwandan and 5 were Ugandan.
Среди этих детей большинство составляли конголезцы, 14 были руандийцами и 5 — угандийцами.
But there were some who were not drunk;
Но были и не пьяные;
You were not born to the spice as we were,
– Вы не были привычны к Пряности от рождения;
and they were both, too, as impolitic as they were unjust.
вместе с тем они были столь же нецелесообразны.
On their heads were circlets, gold chains were about their waists, and on their fingers were many rings.
Жемчужные венчики были на их головах, золотые цепи на запястьях, а пальцы унизаны перстнями.
There were all kinds of weird possibilities that were “counterintuitive.”
В ней присутствовало множество замысловатых возможностей, которые были «контринтуитивны».
My transformations in those days were—were terrible.
— В то время мои трансформации были ужасны.
They were sophomores, and were being quite motherly, the two of them.
Они были второкурсницами и относились ко мне по-матерински, обе.
Sons of the one mother though they were, they were as different as day and night.
Эти чистокровные лайки были от одной матери, но отличались друг от друга, как день от ночи.
Their mattresses and pillows were soft as down, and the blankets were of white wool.
Тюфяки и подушки были мягче мягкого; хоббиты задернули пологи, укутались в белые шерстяные одеяла и мгновенно уснули.
были, как это было
It is as if the Palestinians were the ones who were doing all those things, and Israel were the victim of those practices.
Все это представлено так, будто бы все это творят палестинцы, а Израиль является лишь жертвой такой практики.
These were also destroyed.
Все это также было уничтожено.
What were those thuds?”
– А что это были за хрипы?
They were proud damsels, and were not always perfectly confidential even among themselves.
Это были девицы гордые, высокомерные и даже между собой иногда стыдливые;
It was as if he smiled, but at the same time as if it were not a smile.
Он как будто улыбнулся, но как будто это была и не улыбка.
His ideas were all of the most serious kind; some were even mystical and profound.
Всё это были такие серьезные, такие даже мудреные иногда мысли.
“Yeah.” “Well, what were they, for God’s sake?”
– Ага. – И кто же это был, скажи ради Бога.
“So where were you when it happened, Dad?” asked George.
— Где же ты был, когда это случилось? — спросил Джордж.
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