Traduzione per "as were" a russo
Esempi di traduzione.
As were so many that you put to death.
Как были невиновны многие из тех, кого вы приказали казнить.
As were Amy and Agnes and all those who came before us.
Как были Эми и Агнесса и все те, кто был до нас.
Such as they were, however, those arguments convinced the people to whom they were addressed.
Но как бы то ни было, приведенные аргументы убедили тех, к кому они были обращены.
As were the molars.
Как и коренные зубы.
As were all the others.
Как и все остальные.
As were you, I'm sure.
Как и вы, уверен.
As were the other victims.
Как и остальные жертвы.
I was there, as were other witnesses.
Я там присутствовала, как и другие свидетели.
As were you... found on the scene.
Как и вы... были на месте преступления.
As were the fingerprints of your lover.
Так же, как и отпечатки вашего любовника.
As were the other soldiers on the convoy.
Как и остальных солдат из конвоя.
As were the defensive wounds on his face?
- Так же, как и раны на лице?
As were your sisters, niki and barbara.
Так же, как и твои сестры, Ники и Барбара.
The public taxes to which they were subject were as irregular and oppressive as the services.
Государственные налоги, лежащие на крестьянах, столь же не урегулированы и обременительны, как и натуральные повинности.
Sons of the one mother though they were, they were as different as day and night.
Эти чистокровные лайки были от одной матери, но отличались друг от друга, как день от ночи.
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