Traducción para "horses and men" a ruso
Ejemplos de traducción
Centaurs we were talking about, they are horses and men, of course.
Кентавры, о которых мы говорили, одновременно лошади и люди.
And together with Crin-Blanc he disappeared taken by the waves In sight of all the people who were there they both swam all straight ahead and Crin-Blanc who has great strehgth bestowed on him took his friend, the one who had trusted in him to a country where horses and men have always been friends.
Они поплыли прямо, прямо, и Белогривый, очень сильный, унёс доверяющего ему друга в удивительную страну, где лошади и люди - всегда друзья.
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