Übersetzung für "s if it s" auf russisch
- s если это s
- s, если s
1 The Commission's 24 previous reports called for under these resolutions are contained in documents S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Corr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848, S/1997/301, S/1997/774, S/1998/332, S/1998/529 and S/1998/920. English
1 Предыдущие 24 доклада Комиссии, представленные в соответствии с указанными резолюциями, содержатся в документах S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 и Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 и Corr.1, S/1994/1422 и Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848, S/1997/301, S/1997/774, S/1998/332, S/1998/529 и S/1998/920.
1 The Commission's 22 previous reports are contained in documents S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Corr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848, S/1997/301 and S/1997/774. English
1 Предыдущие 22 доклада Комиссии содержатся в документах S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 и Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 и Corr.1, S/1994/1422 и Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848, S/1997/301 и S/1997/774.
1 The Commission's 21 previous reports are contained in documents S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Corr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848 and S/1997/301. English
1 Предыдущие 21 доклад Комиссии содержатся в следующих документах: S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 и Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 и Corr.1, S/1994/1422 и Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848 и S/1997/301.
1 The Commission's 20 previous reports are: S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Corr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258 and S/1996/848. English
1 Ранее Комиссия представила следующие 20 докладов: S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 и Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 и Corr.1, S/1994/1422 и Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258 и S/1996/848.
1 The Commission's 23 previous reports called for under these resolutions are contained in documents S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Corr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848, S/1997/301, S/1997/774 and S/1998/332. English
1 Предыдущие 23 доклада Комиссии в соответствии с указанными резолюциями содержатся в документах S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Coorr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038, S/1996/258, S/1996/848, S/1997/301, S/1997/774 and S/1998/332.
1/ The Commission's 19 previous regular six-monthly reports are: S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Corr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038 and S/1996/258.
1/ К настоящему времени Комиссия представила следующие 19 очередных докладов Комиссии за шестимесячные периоды: S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 и Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 и Corr.1, S/1994/1422 и Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864, S/1995/1038 и S/1996/258.
1/ The Commission's 18 previous reports are: S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 and Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 and Corr.1, S/1994/1422 and Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864 and S/1995/1038.
1/ К настоящему времени Комиссия представила следующие 18 докладов: S/23165, S/23268, S/23801, S/24108 и Corr.1, S/24661, S/24984, S/25620, S/25977, S/26684, S/26910, S/1994/489, S/1994/750, S/1994/1138 и Corr.1, S/1994/1422 и Add.1, S/1995/284, S/1995/494, S/1995/864 и S/1995/1038.
5. The Palestine question (see S/7382, S/7441, S/7452, S/7564, S/7570, S/7596 and S/7600)
5. Палестинский вопрос (см. S/7382, S/7441, S/7452, S/7564, S/7570, S/7596 и S/7600)
Presidential statements: S/25970, S/26006, S/26126, S/26474, S/26768, S/26787 and S/PRST/1994/3
заявления Председателя: S/25970, S/26006, S/26126, S/26474, S/26768, S/26787 и S/PRST/1994/3
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