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However, some national systems do provide for the compensation of wrongfully prosecuted persons.
No obstante, algunos sistemas nacionales prevén la indemnización a las personas enjuiciadas injustamente.
(c) Wrongfully confining or restraining a family member against his/her will; or
c) Confinar o recluir injustamente a un miembro de la familia contra su voluntad; o
If an employee had been wrongfully dismissed, he or she had to be reinstated and compensated.
Si un empleado ha sido despedido injustamente, se lo debe reintegrar e indemnizar.
His guilt was not supported by any reliable evidence and thus he was wrongfully convicted.
La declaración de su culpabilidad no se apoyó en ninguna prueba fiable, por lo que fue condenado injustamente.
Those discovered to have been wrongfully detained must be released immediately.
Si se descubre que se ha detenido injustamente a una persona, ésta será puesta en libertad de inmediato.
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