Übersetzung für "henriquez" auf spanisch
  • henríquez
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3. Statements were made by Ms. Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, and Mr. Roberto C. Henriquez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama.
3. Formularon declaraciones la Sra. Christiana Figueres, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Convención Marco, y el Sr. Roberto C. Henríquez, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Panamá.
82. Mr. GRACIA HENRIQUEZ (National Union of Jurists of Cuba) said that the Protection of Independence and the National Economy Act which had recently been adopted in Cuba was intended not to suppress freedom of expression but to strengthen the array of Cuban legislation enabling the country to deal with the political, economic and military war being waged against it by the United States.
82. El Sr. GARCÍA HENRÍQUEZ (Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba) dice que la Ley de la protección de la economía y la independencia de Cuba, aprobada recientemente, no tiene por fin suprimir la libertad de expresión sino reforzar el arsenal legislativo de que dispone su país para enfrentarse a la guerra política, económica y militar que llevan a cabo los Estados Unidos contra Cuba.
Concerning Ernest Bennett, Edouard Soster Boyer, Antony C.J. Charles, Delzince Marcel, Evans François, Ulton Gedeon, Valot Hosse, Josue Joseph, Teluce Jean Lubin, Henriquez Pierre, Bossicot Pierre-Louis, Anovil Sainvil, Bon Jacob Sainvil, Jean Enel Samedy, Jean-Michel Thourvenaut and Raynold Albert Valéry
Relativa a Ernest Bennett, Edouard Soster Boyer, Antony C. J. Charles, Delzince Marcel, Evans François, Ulton Gedeon, Valot Hosse, Josue Joseph, Teluce Jean Lubin, Henriquez Pierre, Bossicot PierreLouis, Anovil Sainvil, Bon Jacob Sainvil, Jean Enel Samedy, JeanMichel Thourvenaut y Raynold Albert Valéry
61. Mr. GARCÍA HENRIQUEZ (National Union of Jurists of Cuba), having noted that the situations identified by the Special Rapporteur as affecting the independence of judges and lawyers in many countries still persisted, said that the privatization of prisons constituted a new attack on judicial systems in that they prevented them from acting as genuine guarantors of the enjoyment of human rights.
61. El Sr. GARCÍA HENRIQUEZ (Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba), tras observar que las situaciones que el Relator Especial describe y que afectan a la independencia de magistrados y abogados en muchos países se mantienen, dice que la privatización de las cárceles constituye un nuevo ataque a los sistemas judiciales porque impide que éstos actúen como reales garantes del disfrute de los derechos humanos.
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