Translation for "поговорка была и что" to english
Поговорка была и что
  • the saying was and what
  • was saying and that
Translation examples
was saying and that
– У вас по любому поводу есть поговорка! – отмахнулся граф.
"You have sayings for everything!" he protested.
У них есть поговорка: «Из города – лоск, из Пустыни – мудрость».
They have a saying: 'Polish comes from the cities; wisdom from the desert.' "
Ранняя птица больше корма клюет, как говорит поговорка...
and it's the early bird, as the saying goes, that gets the rations.
Лучше, говорит поговорка, гулять задаром, чем задаром работать.
It is better, says the proverb, to play for nothing than to work for nothing.
Слова эти стали позже поговоркой, а затем – пословицей.
he said to himself, and it became a favourite saying of his later, and passed into a proverb.
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