Translation for "unusually" to spanish
  • extraordinariamente
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19. Furthermore, a specific feature of the Yugoslav sanctions is the unusually high cost of their "secondary side-effects".
19. Por otra parte, una característica de las sanciones contra Yugoslavia es el costo extraordinariamente elevado de sus "efectos colaterales secundarios".
Unusually high seizures in Turkey (8.9 tons) came second.
El extraordinariamente elevado volumen de incautaciones efectuadas en Turquía (8,9 toneladas) ocupó el segundo lugar.
They bring forward an unusually large and significant number of findings, which have implications for Governments and for the UNEP programme of work.
Presentan un número extraordinariamente grande e importante de conclusiones, que tienen repercusiones para los gobiernos y para el programa de trabajo del PNUMA.
“a specific feature of the Yugoslav sanctions is the unusually high cost of their ‘secondary side effects’”. (A/49/356, para. 19).
“una característica de las sanciones contra Yugoslavia es el costo extraordinariamente elevado de sus ‘efectos colaterales secundarios’.” (A/49/356, párr. 19)
The number of reported cases in Lithuania was unusually low, however, and did not appear to reflect the real situation.
Sin embargo, el número de casos denunciados en Lituania es extraordinariamente bajo y no parece reflejar la situación real.
It should be stressed that taking an unusually long period to resolve cases results in undue prejudice to the rights of claimant.
Cabe destacar que dedicar un período extraordinariamente prolongado a resolver un caso vulnera indebidamente los derechos del demandante.
56. Brazilian law regarding the acquisition of nationality was unusually open and generous.
56. La ley brasileña sobre adquisición de la nacionalidad es extraordinariamente abierta y generosa.
ACABQ had been forced to examine the 1994-1995 estimates under unusually difficult conditions.
6. La Comisión Consultiva se ha visto obligada a examinar las estimaciones para 1994-1995 en circunstancias extraordinariamente difíciles.
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