Translation examples
49. Mr. OULD MOHAMED LEMINE (Observer for Mauritania), speaking in exercise of the right of reply and in response to the serious accusations of apartheid made against his country by the representative of the African Commission of Health and Human Rights Promoters, said that the Government and people of Mauritania, who had never for a moment shirked their duty of solidarity towards the South African people and its national liberation movements, could only be insulted by such a slight.
49. El Sr. OULD MOHAMED LEMINE (Observador de Mauritania), ejerciendo su derecho de réplica después de las graves acusaciones de apartheid formuladas contra su país por el representante de la Comisión africana de promotores de la salud y los derechos humanos, dice que el Gobierno y el pueblo mauritanos, que ni un solo momento han faltado a su deber de solidaridad para con el pueblo sudafricano y sus movimientos de liberación nacional no pueden menos que sentirse ofendidos ante una tal ligereza.
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