Translation for "slam" to spanish
Translation examples
He further complains about the excessive noise on death row, caused by the cell doors which would ring loudly when slammed shut, or when rattled by inmates trying to attract the attention of the warders.
Se queja además del ruido excesivo del pabellón de condenados a muerte, provocado por las puertas de las celdas que resonaban fuertemente cuando se cerraban de golpe, o cuando los reclusos golpeaban en ellas para tratar de atraer la atención de los guardias.
He was subsequently taken to a building in Bethlehem, where he was reportedly beaten severely on the legs and arms, his head was repeatedly slammed against a wall and he was subjected to mock executions with a rope and threatened with death.
Posteriormente lo llevaron a un edificio en Belén, donde, según se afirma, le propinaron fuertes golpes en las piernas y los brazos, le golpearon varias veces la cabeza contra la pared, simularon varias ejecuciones con una cuerda y lo amenazaron de muerte.
We have even been told that the door, to quote Ambassador de Icaza, has been slammed in our face or that your face has been slapped or whatever it was he said.
Se nos ha dicho, para citar al Embajador de Icaza, que se nos ha cerrado la puerta de golpe en su cara.
But we must be keenly aware that this moment of unparalleled opportunity is fleeting, that the window of opportunity now open before us may be slammed shut as early as this summer.
Tenemos que ser muy conscientes de que este momento de oportunidad sin precedentes es pasajero y de que la puerta que se nos abre podrá cerrarse de golpe a principios del verano; así pues, debemos esforzarnos.
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