Translation for "roads which are" to spanish
Roads which are
  • caminos que son
  • carreteras que son
Translation examples
caminos que son
The road was said to be temporary and slated to be replaced in the summer by another road, which would include tunnels and a bridge linking the Gilo settlement with Gush Etzion.
Se dijo que el camino era provisional y que se preveía reemplazarlo en el verano con otro camino, que incluiría túneles y un puente para conectar el asentamiento de Gilo con Gush Etzion.
carreteras que son
The Khirbat al-Hafasah road, which passes through a settlement, is the only road linking the village with the outside world.
La carretera de Khirbat al–Hafasah, que atraviesa un asentamiento, es la única carretera que une a la aldea con el mundo exterior.
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