Translation for "puerile" to spanish
  • pueril
  • infantiloide
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Translation examples
In this connection there is no need to emphasize that any comparison between modern Germany and Nazi Germany is so shocking as to be meaningless and puerile.
Huelga destacar, a ese respecto, que cualquier comparación de la Alemania actual con la Alemania nazi está tan fuera de lugar que resulta nimia y pueril.
When considerations of finance and passion were added, the question assumed exaggerated proportions: it was meaningless and puerile to compare the situation with that of Nazi Germany.
Cuando, además, entran en juego consideraciones financieras y pasiones, la cuestión adquiere proporciones exageradas: es inútil y pueril comparar la situación con la de la Alemania nazi.
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