Translation for "oppress" to spanish
  • oprimir
  • agobiar
  • ahogar
  • abrumar
Translation examples
Such State terrorism used violence to destroy and oppress peoples in a manner contrary to international law.
Ese terrorismo de Estado utiliza la violencia para destruir y oprimir a los pueblos de manera contraria al derecho internacional.
Even worse, it was attempting to oppress the Arabs, deprive them of their rights, destroy their potential and exploit them.
Por si fuera poco, la Potencia ocupante intenta oprimir a los árabes, privarlos de sus derechos, destruir sus capacidades y explotarlos.
The previous regime undermined justice and transformed it into a tool of the State to oppress and suppress the people.
El antiguo régimen socavó la justicia y la convirtió en un instrumento del Estado para oprimir a la población y suprimir a las personas.
They used religion to marginalize and oppress women, who were prevented from taking part in social, economic and political life.
Usan la religión para marginar y oprimir a las mujeres, quienes no pueden participar en la vida social, económica y política.
Governments who are allowed to assault, imprison and censor journalists believe they have a free hand to oppress the entire population.
Los gobiernos a los que se permite asaltar, encarcelar y censurar a los periodistas creen que tienen las manos libres para oprimir a toda la población.
The Almighty has not created human beings so that they could transgress against others and oppress them.
El Todopoderoso no ha creado a los seres humanos para que puedan ofender y oprimir a los demás.
He alleged that military actions had been used by the Government of Pakistan to oppress minority provinces.
Declaró que el Gobierno del Pakistán había recurrido a acciones militares para oprimir a las provincias minoritarias.
The tyrant Al-Qadhafi had used the country's wealth to oppress the people and deprive them of the most basic rights.
El tirano Al-Qadhafi ha utilizado la riqueza del país para oprimir al pueblo y privarle de los derechos más básicos.
Israel had not a single ally that believed in peace -- all of them were warmongers, schooled in provocation and oppression.
Israel no cuenta con un solo aliado que crea en la paz: todos son promotores de la guerra, duchos en provocar y en oprimir.
Absolute democracy might oppress minority groups in pluralistic societies.
Una democracia absoluta podía oprimir a los grupos minoritarios en una sociedad pluralista.
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