Translation for "litigated" to spanish
  • litigar
  • hacer litigante
Translation examples
The judiciary and litigation
Tutela judicial y derecho a litigar
This provision is consistent with the right to litigate, which is guaranteed constitutionally.
Esta disposición es coherente con el derecho a litigar garantizado en la Constitución.
The right to litigation is safeguarded and guaranteed for all people.
El derecho a litigar está garantizado a todos.
Right of litigation:
Derecho a litigar ante los tribunales
(c) The right to litigate;
c) Derecho a litigar.
Under Hungarian law, only private parties could litigate.
De acuerdo con la legislación húngara, sólo pueden litigar los particulares.
Litigation in an indigenous language is not permitted, even when the parties speak it.
No está permitido litigar en idioma indígena, aun cuando las partes sean hablantes del mismo.
In Cuba, administrative litigation was possible under the law.
En Cuba, la ley había previsto la posibilidad de litigar sobre asuntos administrativos.
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