Similar context phrases
Translation examples
At the time of their arrest they were taken to military intelligence headquarters with their hands tied and blindfolded.
Luego de su detención, fueron trasladados a la sede de la Inteligencia Militar, con las manos atadas y los ojos vendados.
My legs were stretched apart and hands tied behind in the police post.
32. "En la comisaría me tenían con las piernas abiertas y las manos atadas a la espalda.
He was allegedly whipped and suspended from a window after having his hands tied behind his back.
Habría sido azotado y colgado de una ventana con las manos atadas a la espalda.
As I could not do it with my hands tied, he tore it and raped me.
Como no podía hacerlo con las manos atadas, me la arrancó y me violó.
Five of the bodies had their hands tied with rope.
Cinco de los cuerpos tenían las manos atadas con cuerda.
They would arrive blindfolded and with their hands tied behind their backs.
Las víctimas llegan con los ojos vendados y las manos atadas por la espalda.
At night, he was allegedly left hanging from a pillar or tree with his hands tied.
Según se informa, durante la noche lo dejaban colgando de un poste o un árbol con las manos atadas.
Many of the bodies were found blindfolded and with their hands tied behind their backs, indicating that they had been executed.
Muchos cadáveres tenían los ojos vendados y las manos atadas por la espalda, lo cual indicaba que habían sido ejecutados.
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