Translation for "of themes" to russian
Translation examples
It was as if he now saw all his former past, and former thoughts, and former tasks, and former themes, and former impressions, and this whole panorama, and himself, and everything, everything, somewhere far down below, barely visible under his feet...It seemed as if he were flying upwards somewhere, and everything was vanishing from his sight. Inadvertently moving his hand, he suddenly felt the twenty-kopeck piece clutched in his fist.
В какой-то глубине, внизу, где-то чуть видно под ногами, показалось ему теперь всё это прежнее прошлое, и прежние мысли, и прежние задачи, и прежние темы, и прежние впечатления, и вся эта панорама, и он сам, и всё, всё… Казалось, он улетал куда-то вверх и всё исчезало в глазах его… Сделав одно невольное движение рукой, он вдруг ощутил в кулаке своем зажатый двугривенный.
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