Translation for "large as that" to russian
Large as that
Translation examples
велика, как
How large was the department he ran?
Как велика служба, которой он руководит?
The problem is large and the resources of the Government limited.
Проблема эта велика, а ресурсы правительства ограничены.
It was also underlined that the margin of error in the application of the death penalty was too large.
Также подчеркивалось, что вероятность ошибки при вынесении смертного приговора слишком велика.
It was much too large and slipped down over his eyes, just as it had done the last time he’d put it on.
Она была ему велика и съезжала на глаза — точно так же, как в прошлый раз.
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