Translation for "and took and" to russian
Translation examples
They took full control of it, searched it and took the crew into custody.
Они установили полный контроль над ним, произвели обыск и взяли под стражу экипаж.
It observed the destruction of chemical substances and took samples.
Она присутствовала при уничтожении химикатов и взяла их образцы.
The owner took their soft drinks and glasses and placed them outside the bar.
Он взял их напитки и стаканы и убрал их со стойки бара.
In October, they attacked the village of Gaiboulaye and took seven people hostage.
В октябре они напали на деревню Гаибулае и взяли в заложники семь человек.
Then he took the bread, took the spoon, and began to eat.
Потом взял хлеб, взял ложку и стал есть.
He took it, and they went on.
Он взял, и они прошли мимо.
He took them and pulled them on.
Он взял ее и надел.
He took money and some things.
Он взял деньги и вещи.
I took it up, and held it in my hand.
Я взял его и подержал в руке.
this, too, he noticed and took into consideration.
он это тоже заметил и взял в соображение.
and with that he took his lancet and opened a vein.
Он взял ланцет и вскрыл вену.
so he took it and prized out one of the staples.
он взял ее и выломал один пробой у двери.
The prince read it, rose, and took his hat.
Князь прочел, встал и взял шляпу.
The young man did not argue and took the money.
Молодой человек спорить не стал и взял деньги.
He laughed, and going to Goldberry, took her hand.
Том рассмеялся, подошел к Золотинке и взял ее под руку.
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