Traduzione per "справа" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
справа от v: +
right of v: +
Сзади справа
Rear right
- обгон справа
overtaking on the right
Справа нависали скалы;
A cliff frowned upon their right;
Голос, кажется, звучал откуда-то справа.
The voice seemed to come from his right.
Он замолчал, глядя на стену справа от себя.
He broke off, looking to the wall at his right.
— Стартуем, — послышался справа голос Рона.
“Let’s go,” said Ron’s voice from his right.
— Спокойной ночи, — буркнул справа Рон.
“Night,” grunted Ron, from somewhere to his right. “Night,”
Справа и слева от них слышались звуки сливаемой воды.
To Harry’s left and right came the sound of flushing.
Он почувствовал, что кто-то стал подле него, справа, рядом;
He sensed that someone was standing next to him, to his right, close by;
Еще двое стояли на скалах слева и справа.
Two more men stood waiting on the rocks above to left and right.
Чжоу только улыбнулась и села справа от Рона.
Cho had just smiled at him and sat down on Ron’s right.
Справа, возле прохода, стояла аппаратура связи.
Communications equipment was clustered around a hole in the wall to the right.
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