Esempi di traduzione.
товарищ его, толстый, огромный, в сибирке и с седою бородой, очень захмелевший, задремавший на лавке и изредка, вдруг, как бы спросонья, начинавший прищелкивать пальцами, расставив руки врозь, и подпрыгивать верхнею частию корпуса, не вставая с лавки, причем подпевал какую-то ерунду, силясь припомнить стихи, вроде:
his friend, fat, enormous, in a tight-waisted coat, and with a gray beard, who was quite drunk, had dozed off on a bench, and every once in a while, as if half awake, would suddenly start snapping his fingers, spreading his arms wide and jerking the upper part of his body without getting up from the bench, while he sang some gibberish, trying hard to recall the verses, something like:
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