Traduzione per "two out of three" a spagnolo
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Esempi di traduzione.
Almost two out of three adults are unable to read and write.
Casi dos de cada tres adultos no saben leer ni escribir.
At 14.5 (mg/kg)/day, two out of three animals died within 20 days.
A 14,5 (mg/kg)/día, dos de cada tres animales murieron dentro de los 20 días.
10. Two out of three Japanese women left work after giving birth.
Dos de cada tres mujeres japonesas dejan el trabajo después de dar a luz.
Two out of three children are subject to physical punishment.
Dos de cada tres niños son objeto de castigos físicos.
Globally, two out of three people are not using the Internet.
A nivel mundial, dos de cada tres personas no usan Internet.
Two out of three marginally employed workers are women.
Dos de cada tres titulares de empleos marginales son mujeres.
Nearly two out of three poor people live in the south or east of the country.
Prácticamente dos de cada tres personas pobres viven en el sur o en el este del país.
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