Traduzione per "maybe had" a russo
Esempi di traduzione.
Maybe had something to do with that.
Может быть, это как-то связано.
And maybe had a shot at a somewhat normal guy, but what do you do?
И может быть иметь шанс на нормального парня, но что сделала ты?
With all these kids runnin' around, you remember one that maybe had scars all across the bottom of his face?
Вы, может быть, помните одного, со шрамом на всей нижней половине лица?
Out of all these kids running around, you remember one that maybe had scars all across the bottom of his face?
Среди этих детей, которые там бегали, может быть, вы помните одного, со шрамами на лице?
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