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J j a
  • j ^ а
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j ^ а
J. J. Agro Industries (P) Ltd. v. Texuna International Ltd.
J. J. Agro Industries (P) Ltd. против Texuna International Ltd.
In the Netherlands the median life for patents is around 7 years (Winnink, J. J. & S. F. Goutier-Juffermans, 2004).
В Нидерландах средний срок действия патентов составляет около семи лет (Winnink, J. J. & S. F. Goutier-Juffermans, 2004).
Africa's Natural Resource Conservation and Management Surveys: Summary Proceedings of the UNU/INRA Regional Workshop, edited by J. J. Baidu-Forson (non-sales item)
Africa's Natural Resource Conservation and Management Surveys: Summary Proceedings of the UNU/INRA Regional Workshop, edited by J. J. Baidu-Forson (не для продажи)
In R. v. J.(J.) [2004], 192 C.C.C. (3d) 30, the Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal considered the applicability of sentencing circles for Aboriginal persons accused of sexual assaults.
J.(J.) [2004], 192 C.C.C. (3d) 30 Апелляционный суд Ньюфаундленда и Лабрадора рассмотрел применимость "круга вынесения приговора" к представителям коренных народов, обвиняемых в сексуальном насилии.
Case 687: MAL 34 (2)(b)(ii); 34 (2)(a)(iii); 35 (1); 36 (1)(a)(iii); 36 (1)(b)(ii) - Hong Kong: Supreme Court of Hong Kong, High Court (Kaplan J.), J. J. Agro Industries (P) Ltd. v. Texuna International Ltd. (12 August 1992)
Дело 687: ТЗА 34 (2) (b) (ii); 34 (2) (a) (iii); 35 (1); 36 (1) (a) (iii); 36 (1) (b) (ii) - Гонконг: Верховный суд Гонконга, Высокий суд (судья Каплан), J. J. Agro Industries (P) Ltd. против Texuna International Ltd. (12 августа 1992 года)
Contents: Foreword / S. H. Jenkins, p. 1925-1929.—Electronic commerce and the symbiotic relationship between international and domestic law reform / A. H. Boss, p. 1931-1984.—The American provenance of the UNIDROIT Principles / E. A. Farnsworth, p. 1985-1994.—The inapplicability of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods as a model for the revision of Article Two of the Uniform Commercial Code / H. D. Gabriel, p. 1995-2014. —Exemption for non-performance : UCC, CISG, UNIDROIT Principles - a comparative assessment / S. H. Jenkins, p. 2015-2030.—Non-[“UN-”?]American law and the core curriculum / P. Linzer, p. 2031-2042.—The relevance of evolving domestic and international law on contracts in the classroom : assumptions about assent / L. J. Rusch, p. 2043-2087—Freeing the tortious soul of express warranty law / J. J. White, p. 2089-2111.
Содержание: Foreword / S. H. Jenkins, p. 1925-1929.—Electronic commerce and the symbiotic relationship between international and domestic law reform / A. H. Boss, p. 1931-1984.—The American provenance of the UNIDROIT Principles / E. A. Farnsworth, p. 1985-1994.—The inapplicability of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods as a model for the revision of Article Two of the Uniform Commercial Code / H. D. Gabriel, p. 1995-2014. —Exemption for non-performance : UCC, CISG, UNIDROIT Principles - a comparative assessment / S. H. Jenkins, p. 2015-2030.—Non-[“UN-”?]American law and the core curriculum / P. Linzer, p. 2031-2042.—The relevance of evolving domestic and international law on contracts in the classroom : assumptions about assent / L. J. Rusch, p. 2043-2087—Freeing the tortious soul of express warranty law / J. J. White, p. 2089-2111.
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