Traduction de "turned black" à russe
Turned black
Exemples de traduction
The silver spoon turned black!
Серебряная ложка почернела!
- It would have turned black.
- Оно бы почернело.
Fingers turned black, blood everywhere.
Пальцы почернели. Везде кровь.
Now your fleshy horn has turned black
Твой рог почернел.
The top of your head turned black.
теб€ голова почернела.
Her face has turned black-and-blue.
У нее физиономия почернела.
The water, the earth and the sun turn black.
Вода, земля и солнце почернели.
Report is, his eyes had turned black.
Они сказали, что у него почернели глаза.
The little man in my pants has turned black.
Мой маленький друг в штанах почернел.
By the time we reached Bagby's store, my hand had turned black.
Когда мы добрались до лавки Бэгби, рука моя почернела.
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