Traduction de "they are they become" à russe
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However, as soon as products have become commodities in the external relations of a community, they also, by reaction, become commodities in the internal life of the community.
Но раз вещи превратились в товары во внешних отношениях, то путем обратного действия они становятся товарами и внутри общины.
Single-party regimes have today become the exception on our continent, while pluralism is becoming the rule.
Однопартийные системы становятся исключением на нашем континенте, тогда как плюрализм становится нормой.
The rich have become richer, and the poor have become poorer.
Богатые становятся богаче, а бедные беднее.
Labour is socially divided in the primitive Indian community, although the products do not thereby become commodities.
В древне-идийской общине труд общественно разделен, но продукты его не становятся товарами.
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