Traduction de "on under" à russe
Phrases de contexte similaires
Exemples de traduction
In, on, under, in front of, behind,
В, на, под, перед, за,
In, on, under, in front of, behind, between.
В, на, под, перед, позади, между.
She had a tattoo on... under her knickers.
У неё была татуировка на... под трусиками.
but he fell right under their feet!
а он прямехонько им под ноги так и пал!
Grey land passed under them.
Серая равнина мелькала под ними.
The ground seemed to quiver under their feet.
Земля под ними задрожала.
The men were under your command.
Люди были у тебя под началом.
These madmen are attacking under cover of the storm.
Эти сумасшедшие в самом деле напали на нас под прикрытием шторма.
We’ve never been spotted under it—”
Нас ни разу никто под ней не увидел.
A suggestion was made to replace the term "proceedings under the Rules" with the phrase "proceedings under these Rules".
Было предложено заменить в тексте на английском языке формулировку "proceedings under the Rules" формулировкой "proceedings under these Rules".
Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and
(Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly
Mr. Jaakko Laajava Under-Secretary of State
Jaakko Laajava Under-Secretary of State
For under the Ramsar Convention read under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention)
Вместо "under the Ramsar Convention" читать "under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention)".
Campaign activities are under way in:
Работа в рамках кампании ведетсяCampaign activities are under way in:
activities implemented jointly (AIJ) under the pilot phase
(AIJ) under the pilot phase (МОС) на экспериментальном этапе
Indigenous Populations under agenda item 4 and Resolution of
on Indigenous Populations under agenda item 4 and
established under the Kyoto Protocol: Draft treaty arrangements developed
bodies established under the Kyoto Protocol: Draft treaty
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