Traduction de "effeminacy" à russe
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He was a very warlike man, and the armies, being disgusted with the effeminacy of Alexander, of whom I have already spoken, killed him and elected Maximinus to the throne. This he did not possess for long, for two things made him hated and despised; the one, his having kept sheep in Thrace, which brought him into contempt (it being well known to all, and considered a great indignity by every one), and the other, his having at the accession to his dominions deferred going to Rome and taking possession of the imperial seat;
Это был человек на редкость воинственный, и после того как Александр вызвал раздражение войска своей изнеженностью, оно провозгласило императором Максимина. Но править ему пришлось недолго, ибо он возбудил ненависть и презрение войска тем, что, во-первых, пас когда-то овец во Фракии — это обстоятельство, о котором все знали, являлось позором в глазах его подданных;
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