Traduction de "adopted and were" à russe
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The draft laws were adopted and were published in the Official Gazette in 2006.
Эти законопроекты были приняты и опубликованы в "Официальных ведомостях" в 2006 году.
A number of States reported that new legislative measures have been adopted or were in the process of being adopted.
Ряд государств сообщили о принятии или планируемом принятии новых законодательных мер.
In conclusion of the symposium, the following recommendations were adopted and were endorsed by His Majesty:
По итогам симпозиума были приняты следующие рекомендации, получившие одобрение Его Величества:
Various provisions on the rights of the child had been adopted or were currently before Parliament.
Были приняты или находятся на рассмотрении парламента различные положения, касающиеся прав ребенка.
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