Traducción para "flumazenil" a español
  • flumazenilo
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Ejemplos de traducción
Co-author of the Italian Ministry of Interior of the National Report on Drug Abuse for the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction; referee of five international journals on substance abuse and psychiatry; contributed to over 40 publications in scientific medical journals (1994-2005), including: "Aggressive responding in abstinent heroin addicts: neuroendocrine and personality correlates", Progress in Psycho-Neuropharmacology and Biology; "Substance use among high-school students: relationship with temperament, personality traits and parental care perception", Substance Use and Misuse, 2004; "Long-term methadone maintenance effectiveness: psychosocial and pharmacological variables", Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2003; "Effects of ecstacy on dopamine system function in humans", Behavioural Brain Research, 2002; "Intravenous flumazemil versus oxazepam tapering in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal: a randomized placebo-controlled study", Addiction Biology, 2002; Quaglio G., Lugoboni F., Fornasiero A., Lechi A., Gerra G., Mezzelani P. "Dependence on zolpidem: two case reports of detoxification with flumazenil infusion", International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2005; Berto D., Tartari M., Tabacchi B., Gerra G., Tamburino G., "Dual diagnosis within Italian prisons -- some preliminary data", International Journal of Prisoners Health, 2005.
Coautor del Informe Nacional sobre el Uso Indebido de Drogas elaborado por el Ministerio Italiano del Interior para el Observatorio Europeo de la Droga y las Toxicomanías; evaluador de cinco publicaciones internacionales sobre abuso de sustancias y psiquiatría; contribución en más de 40 publicaciones en revistas científicas de medicina (1994-2005), entre las que cabe mencionar: "Aggressive responding in abstinent heroin addicts: neuroendocrine and personality correlates", Progress in Psycho-Neuropharmacology and Biology; "Substance use among high-school students: relationship with temperament, personality traits and parental care perception", Substance Use and Misuse, 2004; "Long-term methadone maintenance effectiveness: psychosocial and pharmacological variables", Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2003; "Effects of ecstacy on dopamine system function in humans", Behavioural Brain Research, 2002; "Intravenous flumazemil versus oxazepam tapering in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal: a randomized placebo-controlled study", Addiction Biology, 2002; Quaglio G., Lugoboni F., Fornasiero A., Lechi A., Gerra G., Mezzelani P., "Dependence on zolpidem: two case reports of detoxification with flumazenil infusion", International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2005; Berto D., Tartari M., Tabacchi B., Gerra G., Tamburino G., "Dual diagnosis within Italian prisons - some preliminary data", International Journal of Prisoners Health, 2005.
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