Ejemplos de traducción
Он взял ее руку и сказал:
"He took her hand in his and said, 'I can't stay,
Как он взял ее смерти очень плохо и просто...исчез.
Like he took her death really badly and just...disappeared.
Он взял ее за руку и...
He took her by the hand and...
Он взял ее за руку.
He took her hand.
Он взял ее в Амстердам.
He took her to Amsterdam.
В первую очередь, зачем он взял ее с собой?
Why he took her along in the first place.
Он взял ее корзину.
He took her basket.
Он взял ее домой и научил всему.
He took her home with him and taught her lots of things.
Он взял ее на стоянке.
He took her from the parking lot.
Он взял ее за руку и посадил на скамейку;
He took her hand and seated her on the bench;
Пальцы как у мертвой. Он взял ее руку.
Fingers like a dead person's.” He took her hand.
Он взял ее обеими руками за плечи и прямо посмотрел в ее плачущее лицо.
He took her by the shoulders with both hands and looked straight into her weeping face.