Traducción para "were with" a ruso
Were with
Ejemplos de traducción
Thousands were killed, women were raped, villages were burned, homes were destroyed and belongings were looted.
Тысячи суданцев были убиты, женщины -- изнасилованы, деревни -- сожжены, дома -- разрушены, а имущество -- разграблено.
You were with Klaus.
Ты была с Клаусом.
You were with Jason?
Ты был с Джейсоном?
_ You were with John?
Ты была с Джоном?
You were with Setsuko!
Ты был с Сэцуко?
You were with House?
Вы были с Хаузом?
You were with Jeannie.
Ты был с Джинни.
You were with Julie?
Ты была с Джули?
You were with Dani?
Вы были с Дэни?
You were with Anna.
Ты был с Анной.
You were with Lucas?
Ты был с Лукасом?
But there were some who were not drunk;
Но были и не пьяные;
You were not born to the spice as we were,
– Вы не были привычны к Пряности от рождения;
They were a happy bunch of boys who were developing things, and they were terrifically excited about it.
Счастливые они были ребята — выдумывали всякие штуки и страшно им радовались.
My transformations in those days were—were terrible.
— В то время мои трансформации были ужасны.
Were—were your parents Death Eaters as well?”
— Твои… твои родители что, тоже были Пожирателями смерти?
They were faithful.
Они были преданы мне.
Sons of the one mother though they were, they were as different as day and night.
Эти чистокровные лайки были от одной матери, но отличались друг от друга, как день от ночи.
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