Traducción para "were and was" a ruso
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Thousands were killed, women were raped, villages were burned, homes were destroyed and belongings were looted.
Тысячи суданцев были убиты, женщины -- изнасилованы, деревни -- сожжены, дома -- разрушены, а имущество -- разграблено.
Of these, the majority were Congolese, 14 were Rwandan and 5 were Ugandan.
Среди этих детей большинство составляли конголезцы, 14 были руандийцами и 5 — угандийцами.
On their heads were circlets, gold chains were about their waists, and on their fingers were many rings.
Жемчужные венчики были на их головах, золотые цепи на запястьях, а пальцы унизаны перстнями.
There were all kinds of weird possibilities that were “counterintuitive.”
В ней присутствовало множество замысловатых возможностей, которые были «контринтуитивны».
“Were—were your parents Death Eaters as well?”
— Твои… твои родители что, тоже были Пожирателями смерти?
They were sophomores, and were being quite motherly, the two of them.
Они были второкурсницами и относились ко мне по-матерински, обе.
Such as they were, however, those arguments convinced the people to whom they were addressed.
Но как бы то ни было, приведенные аргументы убедили тех, к кому они были обращены.
Sons of the one mother though they were, they were as different as day and night.
Эти чистокровные лайки были от одной матери, но отличались друг от друга, как день от ночи.
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