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And what I found was that the moment that often mattered the most, the moment when you truly found out who they were... Was often their last one.
И я обнаружила, что что, зачастую, мгновением, значившим больше всего... мгновением, когда по-настоящему понимаешь, кем они были... чаще всего был их последний миг.
Their beards were forked and plaited and thrust into their belts. Their caps were of iron and they were shod with iron, and their faces were grim.
Бороды карликов были заплетены в две косы и заткнуты за пояса, шлемы и обувь были железными, а лица – грозными.
They were sophomores, and were being quite motherly, the two of them.
Они были второкурсницами и относились ко мне по-матерински, обе.
Such as they were, however, those arguments convinced the people to whom they were addressed.
Но как бы то ни было, приведенные аргументы убедили тех, к кому они были обращены.
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