Käännös "i took her" venäjän
I took her to the fair.
Я взял ее на ярмарку.
I took her on a date. All right?
Я взял ее на свидание.
I took her to see the ocean.
Я взял ее посмотреть на океан.
At one point I took her hand,..
В определенный момент я взял ее руку,..
On the days, I took her flying, yeah.
На днях, я взял ее в полет
It's just that I took her to the shooting of Aztec Man.
Я взял ее на сьемки
Sorry, I took her wine, I'll take both!
Простите, я взяла ее бокал, я оба забрала!
I took her hand in mine and we went out of the ruined place,
Я взял ее за руку,
Lisa was drinking, and I took her keys, - and then e--
Лиза пила, а я взяла ее ключи, а потом...
And then I took her to the bell tower and I threw her off.
Потом я взяла ее на колокольню и сбросила её.
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