Käännös "get along well with" venäjän
Julian says you get along well with money.
Хулиан сказал, что вы хорошо ладите с деньгами.
It says that he's settling in and that he's getting along well with his roommate...
Он говорит, что обустраивается и хорошо ладит с сокамерником...
Spartans, don't get along well with others.
Спартанцы не ладят с другими.
My wife gets along well with our neighbor.
Моя жена прекрасно ладит с нашим соседом.
Sounds like he gets along well with your son...
Похоже, он ладит с вашим сыном...
I hope you get along well with Daddy and the others.
ладите с папой и другими. Пока.
What kind of idiot is there that runs to jump into the water because they don't get along well with a fellow actress?
что не ладит с актрисой-коллегой?
I don't get along well with my dad, I learned to pick locks as a kid, and I'm a lousy ice skater.
Мы правда не ладим с отцом, я научился вскрывать замки в детстве, и я фигово стою на коньках.
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