Käännös "books book" espanja
Samankaltaiset kontekstilausekkeet
Author, co-author or editor of more than ninety papers, books, book chapters, reviews and commentaries on addiction and drug policy including: Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction (Editorial), Addiction, 107(11), 2012; Evidence-based guidelines for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries: summary of WHO recommendations, PLOS Medicine, 8(11), 2011; Drug policy and the public good (co-author; Oxford University Press), 2010; Limits of substance-use interventions in developing countries, Lancet, 369, 2007; Responding to drug problems in Nigeria: the role of civil society organizations. Substance Use and Misuse, 39(8), 2004; Assessing Nigeria's drug control policy, 1994-2000, The International Journal of Drug Policy, 15, 2004; Licit and illicit drugs; Essentials of substance abuse (Malt house Press, Lagos), 1999; Substance abuse, health and social welfare in contemporary Africa: an analysis of the Nigerian experience, Social Science and Medicine, 316, 1990.
Autor, coautor y editor de más de noventa artículos, libros, capítulos de libro, reseñas y comentarios sobre el tema de la adicción y la política en materia de drogas, entre ellos: "Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction" (Editorial), Addiction, 107(11), 2012; "Evidence-based guidelines for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders in low-and middle-income countries: summary of WHO recommendations", PLOS Medicine, 8(11), 2011; Drug policy and the public good (coautor), Oxford University Press, 2010; "Limits of substance-use interventions in developing countries", The Lancet, 369, 2007; "Responding to drug problems in Nigeria: the role of civil society organizations", Substance Use and Misuse, 39(8), 2004; "Assessing Nigeria's drug control policy, 1994-2000", The International Journal of Drug Policy, 15, 2004; Licit and illicit drugs: Essentials of substance abuse, Malthouse Press, Lagos, 1999; "Substance abuse, health and social welfare in contemporary Africa: an analysis of the Nigerian experience", Social Science and Medicine, 316), 1990.
Author or co-author of several papers, books, book reviews and commentaries, including: Obot, I. S. (2013), "Alcohol marketing in Africa: not an ordinary business", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 12 (1), 63-73; Umoh, O., Obot, P., and Obot, I.S. (2012), "Perception of alcohol availability, promotion and policy in Nigeria", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 11(2), 107-116; Hall, W., Babor, T., Edwards, G., Laranjeira, R., Marsden, J., Miller, P., Obot, I., Petry, N., Thamarangsi, T. and West, R. (2012), "Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction (Editorial)".
Autor o coautor de varios ensayos, libros, reseñas de libros y comentarios, entre los que cabe citar los siguientes: Obot, I.S. (2013), "Alcohol marketing in Africa: not an ordinary business", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 12(1), 63 a 73; Umoh, O., Obot, P. y Obot, I.S. (2012), "Perception of alcohol availability, promotion and policy in Nigeria", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 11(2), 107 a 116; Hall, W., Babor, T., Edwards, G., Laranjeira, R., Marsden, J., Miller, P., Obot, I., Petry, N., Thamarangsi, T. y West, R. (2012), "Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction. (Editorial)", Addiction, 107(11), 1891 a 1893; Obot, I.S. (2012), "Developing countries ignore drinking and driving problems at their own peril: Commentary on Pechansky and Chandran: Why don't Northern hemisphere solutions to drunk driving work in Southern America?", Addiction, 107(7), 1209 y 1210; Obot, I.S. (2011), "Improved rankings of drugs can bring sense and order to a failed system.
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