Перевод для "nor by" на русский
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That is why neither Bilbo, nor the dwarves, nor even Gandalf heard them coming.
Вот почему ни Бильбо, ни Гэндальф, ни карлики ничего не услышали.
Neither his dirty boots, nor his wide-brimmed hat, nor his sleeveless cloak, nor his evident confusion of manner, produced the least impression upon her.
Ни грязные сапоги его, ни широкополая шляпа, ни плащ без рукавов, ни сконфуженный вид не произвели в ней ни малейшего колебания.
And they said no more; and it seemed to them as they stood upon the wall that the wind died, and the light failed, and the Sun was bleared, and all sounds in the City or in the lands about were hushed: neither wind, nor voice, nor bird-call, nor rustle of leaf, nor their own breath could be heard;
И больше не было сказано ни слова, а ветер стих, и померкло солнце, город онемел, и долина смолкла: не слышно было ни птиц, ни шелеста листьев, ни даже дыханья.
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