Übersetzung für "hot pepper" auf spanisch
Hot pepper
  • guindilla
  • pimiento picante
pimiento picante
The next day, their mouths were taped with material soaked in hot pepper before they were taken to the Kami military camp.
Al día siguiente les sellaron la boca con una cinta impregnada de pimienta picante antes de llevarlos al campamento militar de Kami.
There were reports that such actions were allegedly widespread and that Somali prisoners were denied food and drink except for hot peppers.
Según informes, esos actos fueron generalizados y a prisioneros somalíes se les negó la comida y la bebida, excepto pimientos picantes.
19. Government has embarked on a programme of agricultural rehabilitation, and many farmers have been encouraged to use the large quantities of suitable agricultural land to produce non-traditional crops such as hot peppers, flowers, root and timber crops, citrus, vegetable, peanuts, among others.
El Gobierno ha iniciado un programa de rehabilitación agrícola, y se ha alentado a muchos agricultores a que empleen las grandes cantidades de tierras agrícolas adecuadas para producir cultivos no tradicionales, tales como pimientos picantes, tubérculos y madera, productos cítricos, hortalizas, maní, entre otros.
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