Translation for "of impurity" to spanish
Of impurity
  • de impureza
Translation examples
de impureza
PeCB is present as an impurity in this fungicide.
Este fungicida contiene PeCB como impureza.
Finally, the Torah is also compared to fire and, as the Talmud says, just as fire does not acquire impurity, so, too, the Torah does not acquire impurity.
Finalmente, la Torá se compara también con el fuego, y como dice el Talmud: así como el fuego no adquiere impureza, la Torá tampoco adquiere impureza.
Releases from mobilization of mercury impurities.
a) Liberaciones provenientes de la movilización de impurezas de mercurio.
It may contain bisphenol A as an impurity.
Puede contener bisfenol A como impureza.
These impurities are regarded as achiral at present.
Actualmente esas impurezas se consideran aquirales.
Removal of impurities
Eliminación de impurezas
Pentachlorobenzene is present as an impurity in this fungicide.
Este fungicida contiene pentaclorobenceno como impureza.
Production processes with mercury impurities
Procesos de producción con impurezas de mercurio
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