Translation for "be weakened" to spanish
Be weakened
  • estar debilitado
  • debilitarse
Translation examples
estar debilitado
They are very much weakened, the bulk of their forces having been disseminated.
Están muy debilitados, ya que el grueso de sus fuerzas se han desperdigado.
ADF has been significantly weakened, but not defeated.
Las ADF se han debilitado considerablemente, pero no han sido derrotadas.
This has weakened its overall impact.
Ello ha debilitado su repercusión general.
The position of women has however slowly been weakened.
Sin embargo, lentamente la posición de la mujer se ha debilitado.
The State needs to be strengthened functionally, not weakened.
El funcionamiento del Estado debe ser fortalecido, no debilitado.
The middle class in many countries is being weakened.
En muchos países, la clase media se ha visto debilitada.
The global environment has been weakened.
El medio ambiente mundial se ha debilitado.
And since we are weak, we have weakened the Secretariat.
Somos débiles, y como tales hemos debilitado a la Secretaría.
Radiation has weakened people's immune systems.
La radiación ha debilitado el sistema inmunitario de la población.
The executive capacity of the General Assembly should not be weakened either.
Tampoco debería debilitarse la capacidad ejecutiva de la Asamblea General.
The international non-proliferation regime is in danger of being further weakened.
El régimen de no proliferación internacional se encuentra en peligro de debilitarse aún más.
The role of agencies with obvious professional advantages should not be weakened.
La función de los organismos con ventajas profesionales obvias no debe debilitarse.
This concept should not become weakened or ambiguous.
Este concepto no debía debilitarse ni hacerse ambiguo.
Such a role must only be strengthened and must not be weakened in any way.
Ese papel sólo debe fortalecerse y en modo alguno debe debilitarse.
It should not be weakened in any way.
No debe debilitarse en modo alguno.
Its capacity to do so must not be weakened.
Su capacidad a tal efecto no debe debilitarse.
His courage, resolve, and convictions were never weakened or shaken.
Su valor, su decisión y sus convicciones jamás pudieron debilitarse ni quebrarse.
Those must not be weakened.
Esos logros no deben debilitarse.
Its capacity to combat terrorism must not be weakened.
Su capacidad para luchar contra el terrorismo no debe debilitarse.
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