Translation for "was that broken" to russian
Was that broken
Translation examples
было то, что сломаны
Thornton was himself bruised and battered, and he went carefully over Buck’s body, when he had been brought around, finding three broken ribs.
Сам весь израненный и разбитый, Торнтон, придя в себя, стал тотчас тщательно ощупывать тело Бэка и нашел, что у него сломаны три ребра.
Paper was peeling from the walls; there were stains all over the floor; every piece of furniture was broken as though somebody had smashed it. The windows were all boarded up.
Обои клочьями свисали со стен, весь пол в грязи, мебель сломана, словно кто-то ее крушил, окна заколочены досками.
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