Translation for "put in trust" to russian
Translation examples
But we are part of a complex web of international security mechanisms that need to work in harmony if we are to effectively serve the people who put their trust in us.
Но мы являемся частью комплексной сети механизмов международной безопасности, которые должны работать слаженно, чтобы мы могли эффективно служить людям, которые нам доверяют.
Parliamentarians were elected by the people, but not only had the electors put their trust in them to protect them from the scourge of terrorism; they had also entrusted them with protecting their constitutional and human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Парламентарии избираются народом, и избиратели доверяют им не только задачу их защиты от бедствия терроризма, но и задачу защиты их конституционных прав и прав человека и основных свобод.
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