Traduzione per "zoroastrians" a spagnolo
  • zoroastrianos
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It is worth mentioning that to date the committee has restored scores of Christian, Jewish, Assyrian and Zoroastrian sites.
Cabe señalar que, hasta la fecha, el Comité ha restaurado numerosos sitios cristianos, judíos, asirios y zoroastrianos.
As far as the Zoroastrians, Jews, Assyro-Chaldeans and Armenians were concerned, it should be noted that many members of those communities had left Iran and that they were not proselytizing.
En lo que respecta a los zoroastrianos, judíos, asirio-caldeos y armenios, debe señalarse que muchos miembros de esas comunidades se han ido del Irán y que no proselitizan.
The Government also noted that, although Islam is the official religion of the country, Zoroastrians, Jews and Christians "freely exercise their faiths".
El Gobierno también indicó que, aunque el Islam es la religión oficial del país, los zoroastrianos, los judíos y los cristianos "son libres de profesar su fe".
The population of Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist and Zoroastrian communities is 145.31 million (17.17 per cent), as per the 1991 census4 .
La población de las comunidades musulmana, cristiana, sikh, budista y zoroastriana es 145,31 millones (17,17%), según el censo de 19914.
52. According to information coming to the Special Representative’s attention from Zoroastrian and Christian sources in particular, even the recognized minorities believe they face discrimination in civil society.
Según la información remitida al Representante Especial por fuentes zoroastrianas y cristianas en particular, incluso las minorías reconocidas consideran que están discriminadas en la sociedad civil.
The aim of the Zoroastrian Women's Organization is to help women of all ages and to try to reduce the financial burdens on women, especially if they are the only breadwinner of the family.
La Zoroastrian Women's Organization tiene por objeto ayudar a las mujeres de todas las edades y tratar de reducir las cargas financieras que soportan, especialmente si son el principal sostén de la familia.
28. The Government of India on 23 October 1993 notified five religious communities viz. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis) as minority communities.
28. El Gobierno de la India reconoció a cinco comunidades religiosas, a saber, la musulmana, la cristiana, la sij, la budista y la zoroastriana (parsi) como comunidades minoritarias.
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