Traduzione per "of measuring" a spagnolo
Of measuring
  • de medir
Esempi di traduzione.
de medir
(iii) Stomach measurement;
iii) Medir la panza;
Methods of measuring competitiveness
métodos para medir la competitividad.
It is therefore difficult to measure.
Por consiguiente, es difícil de medir.
An important question that arises with the measurement of green growth is how to define and measure "growth".
Una cuestión importante que se plantea al medir el crecimiento ecológico es la de definir y medir el "crecimiento".
• Sensitive: have the capacity to measure changes in the phenomena that it is intended to measure;
• Sensible: tiene capacidad para medir cambios en los fenómenos que se ha previsto medir;
It will be measured against our actions.
Se medirá por nuestros actos.
Measure results
Medir los resultados.
Performance measurement instruments
Instrumentos para medir el rendimiento
(d) Measure results:
d) Medir los resultados:
However, this is difficult to measure.
No obstante, esto era difícil de medir.
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