Traduzione per "nipples were" a russo
Esempi di traduzione.
And those nipples were way too big.
И соски были чересчур большие.
Our nipples were designed for pleasure.
Наши... соски были созданы для наслаждения.
In order to obtain her confession, she had allegedly been forced to drink a large amount of water after which she was beaten and her nipples were burnt.
Для получения признания ее, как утверждается, заставили выпить большое количество воды, после чего избили и прижигали соски сигаретами.
Melay's nipples were incredible!
Соски у Мелайи такие восхитительные!
And my nipples were showing.
И показала всем соски.
It's not like this guy will be lying in the casket and people will be saying, "Oh, my God, the embalmer's nipples were hard."
И когда этот парень будет лежать в гробу никто не подумает: "Боже, у той кто его бальзамировал были видны соски."
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