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His legs were allegedly burnt and part of his skin was pealed off.
Ноги у него были обожжены, и с них частично слезла кожа.
His legs were chained and he was kicked and beaten with batons and doused with stinking water until he fainted.
Ему связали ноги, его били ногами и дубинками и поливали зловонной водой до тех пор, пока он не потерял сознание.
His arms and legs were tied behind his back and he could not relieve himself.
Его руки и ноги были связаны у него за спиной, и он не мог отправлять свои естественные потребности.
His arms and legs were broken and his body had been punctured in numerous places by a sharp object.
Его руки и ноги были перебиты, а тело во многих местах исколото острым предметом.
He was forced to bend over backwards while his legs were tied under the chair; if he fell, interrogators would stand on his feet to make him get up.
Он был вынужден сидеть, наклонившись назад, и при этом его ноги были связаны под стулом; если он падал, следователи вставали ему на ноги, с тем чтобы заставить его подняться.
He was also stripped naked, his hands and feet were bound, his legs were beaten and on several occasions a plastic bag was placed over his head, causing him to suffocate and lose consciousness.
Кроме того, он был раздет донага, ему связали руки и ноги, его били по ногам и несколько раз надевали на голову пластиковый пакет, вызывая удушье и потерю сознания.
Mr. Bojkovski has alleged that his legs were tied to a chair and his hands behind his back when the shot was fired.
Г-н Бойковски заявил, что в момент выстрела его ноги были привязаны к ножкам стула, а руки заломлены за спину.
At one point, he was tied to a stick, his legs were raised higher than the rest of his body, and he had water poured into his nose.
В одном случае его привязали к палке, его ноги были подняты выше его тела и ему вливали воду в нос.
You do not understand how important it is - The legs were beautiful.
Ты не понимаешь, как это важно - чтобы ноги были красивыми.
And his -- his legs were extended, which suggested to me... Walking...
И его - его ноги были протянуты, вот я и подумал, что переходить...
His legs were securely bound, but his arms were only tied about the wrists, and his hands were in front of him.
Ноги его были спутаны плотно, руки – только в кистях, и не за спиной, а впереди.
The great breast and heavy fore legs were no more than in proportion with the rest of the body, where the muscles showed in tight rolls underneath the skin.
Широкая грудь и мощные передние ноги были пропорциональны размерам всего тела, а мускулы выступали под кожей тугими клубками.
He was handcuffed, his legs were tied and there was a white rope around his neck.
Он был в наручниках, со связанными ногами, на шее - белая веревка.
The latter was forced to jump out of the window as a result of which his legs were fractured.
Последний был вынужден выпрыгнуть из окна, в результате чего он сломал ноги.
My legs were stretched apart and hands tied behind in the police post.
32. "В полицейском участке мне раздвинули в сторону ноги и завязали руки за спину.
Her legs were cut with a broken bottle and her hands burned with cigarette butts.
Ей разрезали ноги разбитой бутылкой и тушили сигареты о ладони рук.
His legs were going numb and giving way under him, but went on walking.
Ноги его немели и подгибались, но шли.
his legs were tied, so that he had to take very small steps.
тут ноги перевязаны и потому движутся шагами мелкими.
Harry’s arms and legs were soon covered in small cuts and scratches.
Вскоре руки и ноги Гарри покрылись мелкими порезами и царапинами.
Harry’s legs were like lead again, but only because he was so tired and full of food.
Ноги Гарри снова налились свинцом, только уже не от волнения, а от усталости и сытости.
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