Traduction de "took care of him" à russe
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The other prisoner killed the four marshals... and I came in, saved the day and took care of him.
Другой заключенный убил четырех маршалов... и я вошел, спас положение и позаботился о нем.
Then he put him on his own animal and took him to an inn, where he took care of him.
и, посадив его на своего осла, привез его в гостиницу и позаботился о нем;
I mean, you took care of him after his father left.
В смысле, заботились о нем, когда его отец ушел.
Our mom had died giving birth to him... so I basically took care of him ever since I can remember.
Мама умерла во время его родов. Я заботился о нем с тех пор, как себя помнил.
No, it's because Marcus got sick, and you took care of him, and he couldn't even tell me that.
Нет, из-за болезни Маркуса. Вы заботились о нем, а он даже не мог мне это рассказать.
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