Traduction de "of died" à espagnol
Of died
  • de muerto
  • muri贸
Phrases de contexte similaires
Exemples de traduction
de muerto
Angolans died.
Han muerto angoleños.
Died of HIV
Muertes a causa de VIH
Whose parents died
Con padres muertos
326. When two or more persons have died and it can be not proved as to who died first, then 9 for legal effect they are considered to have died at the same time.
326. Si dos o más personas han muerto y no se puede comprobar el orden en que se produjeron esas muertes, se considerará a los efectos legales que todas las muertes se produjeron a la vez.
Trafficker died suddenly
Muerte súbita del traficante
Chávez has not died.
Chávez no ha muerto.
Died of AIDS
Muertes a causa de SIDA
Thousands have died.
Han muerto miles.
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