Traduction de "is that asking" à espagnol
Is that asking
  • es esa pregunta
  • es que pedirlo
Exemples de traduction
es esa pregunta
Those are not all the questions asked, and Thailand is not the only one asking.
Éstas no son todas las preguntas que se formulan ni es Tailandia el único que pregunta.
That I ask.
Eso es lo que pregunto.
Questions asked
Preguntas formuladas
That is the question I ask.
Esa es la pregunta que formulo.
He asked me in Kassala "What is the mission?" and I said to him "Don't ask me."
En Kassala me preguntó "¿en qué consiste la misión?" y le dije "no me preguntes".
Mr. O'FLAHERTY asked the secretariat whether it could reply to the questions asked.
El Sr. O'FLAHERTY pregunta a la secretaría si puede responder a las preguntas formuladas.
After he had asked these questions, he did not ask anything more and beat me.
Después de haberme hecho esas preguntas, no me preguntó nada más y me golpeó.
I asked the driver of the ambulance and I asked the nurse.
Le pregunté al conductor de la ambulancia y le pregunté al enfermero.
es que pedirlo
To go on to ask the State party to remedy the situation was to prejudge it.
Pedirle al Estado Parte que resuelva esa situación es prejuzgarla.
May I ask her to be kind enough to conclude her statement?
Quisiera pedirle que concluya su declaración.
I would like to ask all of you to carefully review the figures.
Quisiera pedirles a todos que examinen las cifras con detenimiento.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I just ask you to remain in the hall.
Señoras y señores, deseo pedirles que permanezcan en la sala.
He stated that asking him to investigate these cases was “like throwing a needle into the ocean and asking him to retrieve it”.
Añadió que el pedirle que investigara tales casos equivalía a “pedirle que buscara una aguja en un pajar”.
That is not too much to ask of the international community.
Eso no es demasiado pedirle a la comunidad internacional.
Question: On what basis were you thinking of asking him for money?
P: ¿Qué pensaba decirle para pedirle dinero?
We cannot ask them to pay the price of peace.
No podemos pedirles que paguen el precio de la paz.
These statements are vivid proof of the European Union's hesitation in the face of United States pressure, and in asking Cuba what they do not dare ask the United States they betray their dependence and total hypocrisy.
Estas declaraciones son viva muestra de la claudicación de la Unión Europea ante las presiones norteamericanas, al pedirle a Cuba lo que no se atreven a pedirle a los Estados Unidos ante su falta de independencia y total hipocresía.
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